Bunny Girl Weekly Progress Report —— 20th-Dec-2021
1 min readDec 20, 2021
Weekly Report
Lovely everybody,
We are pleased to release the first development report to you.The project has made some key progress since its establishment.
Bunny Girl team is working hard.
Let’s announce the latest progress.
What we have done
- Completed the design of logo (Text and image)
- The whitepaper version 1.0 was released
- Alpha version website release
- Completed the Bunny Girl Universe Token (BNGT) release of smart contract on BSC Network
- Contract Address : 0x8ec6df71d4d98c5aff5214e4f680920fedf32a43
- Launched the Alpha version official website www.bunnygirlnft.com
- Completed the design of 6 NFTs bunny girl characters in the 1th season
What are we working in next step
- Launch community and airdrop activities
- Design the left 4 NFTs bunny girl characters
- Design the Bunny Box image and smart contract of buy box
- Front-end / Back-end / Blockchain smart contract data and function connection
- Wallet and user profile dashboad development
- NFTs attribute and smart contract development
We are looking forward share more updates for you,Pls follow us .
Thank you ,the Bunny Girl Team.